Formation – 2nd Verona International Summer School in Medieval Manuscripts

Formation – 2nd Verona International Summer School in Medieval Manuscripts

Formation – 2nd Verona International Summer School in Medieval Manuscripts

Verona, 7th-11th September 2020

Scientific Board : M. Bassetti, T. Franco, R. McKitterick, P. De Paolis, P. Pellegrini, H. Reimitz, F. Santi M. Stoffella, G. M. Varanini

Scientific Coordinators : M. Bassetti, M. Stoffella

Programme :

The Verona International Summer School in Medieval Manuscripts offers an intensive course in writing culture from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages (415-1500). Due to the effects
of the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak, the 2020 edition is offered only via a digital platform (Moodle). It provides an overview of the main elements of Latin palaeography, showing the evolution of letter forms and most common ab- breviation systems; the course consists of prac- tical exercises, reading and transcribing several different types of script. It is also open to stu- dents with some experience in Latin and Greek palaeography, who wish to refresh or improve their skills. Participants must have elementary Latin in order to bene t from lectures; when applying, they should indicate whether they had any previous experience in palaeography.

This course will last for ve days and lectures will be both recorded and live streamed by experts in their respective elds, working both at Verona University, Culture & Civiltà Depart- ment, and at a wide range of other institutions. Subject areas include Latin, Gothic, Greek and Early Modern Italian palaeography, illumi- nated manuscripts, codicology, liturgical and

devotional manuscripts. Most of the morning lectures will be offered as pre-recorded talks, exploring the outstanding original Late Antique and Medieval writing materials preserved at the Biblioteca Capitolare, the «Queen of all Late Antique and Medieval Libraries», according to E.A. Lowe. In the afternoons, recorded lectures will take turns with live Zoom meetings hosted by our lecturers in order to:

– offer practical sessions on manuscripts and charters;

– get speci c insights through topics discussed during the morning sessions;

– answer attendees questions.
The course also provides training for histori- ans, archaeologists and textual scholars in the discipline of reading and interpreting medie- val graf ti and epigraphic evidence, analysed
in their original context. The importance of understanding graf ti and inscriptions within their archaeological and topographical contexts will be explored during virtual site visits to
S. Giorgio/S. Elena, S. Zeno and S. Maria in Stelle. These virtual visits will be led by experts in Medieval Archaeology, Art and Architecture History.


The full program of 2020 Summer School (recorded lectures and live Zoom meetings) is open to a maximum of 20 students. Attendees are asked to submit a short statement of why they wish to take the course together with a CV. Non-selected applicants will still have the chance to enrol for the light program of the Summer School (please, see below). In order to apply you are kindly asked to write as soon as possible to medievalmanuscripts@ateneo.uni- with your CV attached. You will receive an application form and the instructions for the bank transfer. Your completed application form and your bank statement must be sent back via email before August, 31st, 2020.

Fees and Payments

Student Five-Day full program Fee (recorded and live streamed sessions): Euro 120,00.

Student Five-Day light program Fee (recorded-only sessions, available after September, 11th): Euro 60,00.

Fees include attendance (recorded and live streamed sessions for the full program, recor- ded-only sessions for the light one) and a wide ranging of teaching and bibliographical mate- rial (for both programs), available on ours Moodle.

Payments must follow the indications given by the Scienti c Coordinators per email.

Summer School Administrator Dipartimento Culture e Civiltà, Room 3.19 Università degli Studi di Verona
Viale dell’Università, 4
I-37129 Verona
Tel: +39 (0) 45 8028733