Conférence : Zinaida Geylikman, “Quantitative methods on small corpora for historical sociolinguistics: a case study of Old French fabliaux”, 31 mars, en ligne

Conférence : Zinaida Geylikman, “Quantitative methods on small corpora for historical sociolinguistics: a case study of Old French fabliaux”, 31 mars, en ligne

Conférence : Zinaida Geylikman, “Quantitative methods on small corpora for historical sociolinguistics: a case study of Old French fabliaux”, 31 mars

Data in Historical Linguistics is a seminar series hosted by Andrea Farina (King’s College London) and Mathilde Bru (King’s College London). It aims to bring together PhD students and early career researchers working on historical linguistics, and conducting quantitative analyses either with a traditional or a computational approach. This seminar series has been created to encourage discussion among young scholars working in the same field. The convenors hope that the seminars will be a good opportunity to both nurture international collaboration and establish academic ties among researchers working on similar topics.

All the events will be online and held via Microsoft Teams. All other information below.

Registration forms will be open up until the Friday before the event. The link to join via Microsoft Teams will be sent the morning of the event.

Monday 31 March 2025, 5pm BST.

  • Zinaida Geylikman (Université Paris Cité, France): Quantitative methods on small corpora for historical sociolinguistics: a case study of Old French fabliaux

Click here to read the abstract.

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