Appel à contributions : “‘Turn out verbs, turn out constructions’: characterization, delimitation and internal variation”, 58e Colloque de la Societas Linguistica Europaea, 26-29 aout, Bordeaux

Appel à contributions : “‘Turn out verbs, turn out constructions’: characterization, delimitation and internal variation”, 58e Colloque de la Societas Linguistica Europaea, 26-29 aout, Bordeaux

Chers Collègues,

Nous souhaitions soumettre, fin novembre prochain, un workshop à intégrer 58e Colloque de la Societas Linguistica Europaea qui aura lieu à Bordeaux du 26 au 29 août 2025, avec pour titre :

‘Turn out verbs, turn out constructions’:
characterization, delimitation and internal variation


Vous trouverez la description détaillée du workshop dans le fichier attaché.

Celles et ceux qui voudraient participer au worskhop sont invités à envoyer un titre et court résumé (max 300 mots sans les références) en anglais avant le 15/11/2024 à et


Patrick Dendale
Ana Stulic

Voir l’appel ci-dessous :

Workshop SLE 2025 -Turn out verbs and constructions PROV



Dear colleagues,

Please find enclosed the description of a workshop proposal to be included in the program of the 2025 SLE Conference in Bordeaux26-29 August 2025.

Turn out verbs, turn out constructions’: characterization, delimitation and internal variation


The workshop is on a class of verbs existing in many languages that was provisionally baptized “turn out verbs”, viz. verbs translated by English turn out (or the construction it turned out that): s’avérer, se révéler, blijken, resultar, rivelarsi, demostrarsi, venire fuori, averdadear, ispostaviti se, ispasti,….


We invite scholars you to be part of our workshop in the beautiful Bordeaux next summer and to submit a title with a provisional short abstract of maximum 300 words (references not comprised), in English, to be joined to the workshop proposal we would like to submit.

The definitive proposal for the Workshop is to be submitted in less than 4 weeks, with at least 8 abstracts of possible contributions included.

For any questions about the workshop, do not hesitate to contact us on the above email addresses.


The deadline for the submission of your short abstract is 15 November 2024

That will leave us a small week to integrate them into an augmented description of the workshop.

Kinds regards,
Patrick Dendale
Ana Stulic