Appel à contributions : « Compounding in word-formation paradigms », 26-29 aout 25, Bordeaux

Appel à contributions : « Compounding in word-formation paradigms », 26-29 aout 25, Bordeaux


L’appel à communications pour le workshop « Compounding in word-formation paradigms » soumis au Congrès Annuel de la Société de Linguistique Européenne (Bordeaux, 26-29 août 2025) est en ligne: . Merci de le faire circuler.
Fabio Montermini

Call for papers

We invite authors to submit provisional abstracts for 20-minutes presentations, no longer than 300 words (references excluded), to be included in the workshop proposal. Abstracts should be sent to the convenors (; fabio.montermini@univ- before November 15, 2024. Authors will be notified of preliminary acceptance of their proposals before the workshop submission on November 20, 2024. In case of acceptance of the workshop, full abstracts are due before January 15, 2025.