21st International Congress of Linguists (ICL), September 2024, Poznań.
The 21st International Congress of Linguists (ICL) will be held from 8 to 14 September 2024 in Poznań. We invite (i) abstracts for Sections and Focus streams, and (ii) Workshop proposals. Sections will take place on Monday and Tuesday (9-10 September), Focus streams on Wednesday (11 September), and Workshops on Thursday and Friday (12-13 September).
(i) Sections and Focus streams
Abstracts should clearly state the research question(s), approach, method, data, and (expected) results. They should not display the names of the presenters, nor their affiliations or addresses, or any other information that could reveal their authorship. They should contain the title, five keywords, and a text between 300 and 400 words (including examples, excluding references).
Abstracts will be submitted via Easychair. Submission of abstracts will start 1 October 2023. The corresponding link will be provided. The deadline for abstract submission will be 8 January 2024 (12.00 PM CET).
Authors may apply, upon abstract submission, for a presentation or a poster. Presentations will be organized in 30 minute slots (20 min. presentation, 7 min. discussion, 3 min. room change). Posters are always displayed during one full day. Separate time slots will be included in the program in which participants can discuss with the poster presenters.
Each abstract will be reviewed anonymously by two reviewers (section/focus stream/workshop convenor + external reviewer). Notification of acceptance will be 15 April 2024.
The topics of Sections and Focus streams, which will be held at ICL 2024 are the following (please click the title for a PDF description):
1. Historical Linguistics (convenor: John Charles Smith)
After being relatively neglected for half a century, following the strictures of Saussure, diachronic linguistics has re-established its importance over the last fifty years, and may now be regarded as central to the study of language. Moreover, research in this area is moving at a rapid pace, driven in part by the availability of new technological tools. The section on Historical Linguistics will aim to reflect the current strengths and preoccupations of the discipline. Proposals are invited for papers on any aspect of language change, including structural change (changes in phonology, morphology, and syntax); semantic and pragmatic change; language contact; cladistics; sociolinguistic factors in change; and language acquisition and change. Papers will be especially welcome on new developments in the study of language change, including the use of large-scale corpora and artificial intelligence
Contact: John Charles Smith
Contact Email: johncharles.smith@stcatz.ox.ac.uk
2. Evolutionary Linguistics (convenor: George van Driem)
3. Linguistic diversity, Language Contact and Areal Typology (convenor: Peter Bakker)
4. Phonetics, Phonology and Phonetic Typology (convenor: Marzena Żygis)
5. Morphology, Syntax and Morphosyntactic Typology (convenors: Anne Abeillé & Jong-Bok Kim)
6. Discourse and Cognition (convenor: Veronika Koller)
7. Multimodality (convenor: Asli Özyürek)
8. Psycholinguistics, Developmental Linguistics (convenor: Guillaume Thierry)
9. Neurolinguistics and Clinical Linguistics (convenor: Monika Połczyńska-Bletsos)
10. Quantitative, Mathematical and Computational Linguistics (convenor: Chu-Ren Huang)
11. Language in Society, Variation and Change (convenor: to be confirmed)
12. Language Policy, Multilingualism, Education Development and Migration (convenor: Durk Gorter)
13. Grammar Writing, Documentation and Data Collection (convenor: Aimée Lahaussois)
14. Slavic Languages (convenor: Jadranka Gvozdanović)
15. Lexicography and Lexicology (convenor: Robert Lew)
16. Semantics and Pragmatics (convenor: Stephen Wechsler)
17. General session (convenor: Ik-Hwan Lee)
Focus streams
1. Language endangerment and reclamation (convenor: Justyna Olko)
2. Cognitive Translation & Interpreting Studies (convenor: Ricardo Munoz Martin)
3. Advances in the Digital Humanities (convenors: Raymond Siemens, Jan Rybicki, and Maciej Eder)
4. Sign Language (convenor: Paweł Rutkowski)
5. Urban Linguistic Diversity (convenor: Anne Pauwels)
6. Investigating the Indigenous languages of the Americas: History and prospects (convenors: Luca Ciucci and Marcin Kilarski)
7. Historical Sociolinguistics (convenor: Wim Vandenbussche)
8. Corpus Linguistics (convenor: to be confirmed)
9. Language and Legal Practice (convenor: Nancy Niedzielski)
10. Productive Signs: Evolutionary, Typological, and Cognitive Dimensions of Word Families (convenor: Johann-Mattis List)
11.Metaphor (convenor: Krzysztof Nowak)
12. Modern developments in dialectology and variation linguistics (convenor: Stavroula Tsiplakou)
(ii) Workshop proposals
Workshop proposals should contain the title, convenors’ name(s), five keywords, and a description of the topic and the research question (between 500 and 1,000 words, including examples, excluding references). They are submitted to review-ICL2024@univ-tlse2.fr. The deadline for workshop proposals is 15 October 2023 (extended from 15 September 2023). Notification of acceptance will be 1 November 2023 (extended from 1 October 2023). The call for workshop abstracts will be launched on 1 November 2023 (extended from 1 October 2023). Conditions for submission of workshop abstracts will be the same as for (i) General sessions and Focus streams.