Web – VCEditor: Modelling and Visualizing Medieval Manuscripts and Books

Web – VCEditor: Modelling and Visualizing Medieval Manuscripts and Books

Web – VCEditor: Modelling and Visualizing Medieval Manuscripts and Books

Accès : Viscoll

The VisColl team at the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies, University of Pennsylvania, are pleased to announce the launch of VCEditor. Use VCEditor to model and visualize medieval manuscripts and books in codex format in general. We welcome your feedback! https://vceditor.library.upenn.edu

VCEditor is based on the VisColl specification https://viscoll.org and is adapted from the VisCodex application by @oldbooksnewsci (https://github.com/utlib/VisualCollation).
For help, see our ‘How to page’ (https://viscoll.org/help/) and the project Wiki (https://github.com/KislakCenter/VisualCollation/wiki).

Source : Viscoll