Title: Latin Pronunciation & Ancient & Modern Accents
Subtitle: Geo-social Applications of the Natural Phonetics & Tonetics Method
Series Title: LINCOM Studies in Phonetics 33
Published: 2021
Publisher: Lincom GmbH
Book URL: lincom-shop.eu/LSPh-33-Latin-Pronunciation-ancient-modern-Accents/en
Author: Luciano Canepari
Author: Maggi Fernando
Hardback: ISBN: 9783969390412 Pages: 210 Price: Europe EURO 156.00
The pronunciation of classical Latin is described according to the principles of Natural Phonotonetics (which is concisely introduced in two chapters), also following ancient texts and descriptions.
A number of both ‘ancient’ and ‘modern’ (European) Latin accents are also presented, for useful comparisons. Some diachronic phonopses and thousands of famous sentences and phrases are included, as well. The concise phonopses of 26 peculiar languages are presented for comparisons, too.
Several conversations and literary texts are transcribed phonotonetically.
Linguistic Field(s): Phonetics
Subject Language(s): Latin (lat)
Written In: English (eng)
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