Parution: Lexis 16 : Diachronic Lexical Semantics

Parution: Lexis 16 : Diachronic Lexical Semantics

Chères et chers collègues,


Je suis ravi de vous annoncer la parution de Lexis 16, consacré à la « sémantique lexicale diachronique », sous la direction de Chris Smith.

Le numéro est accessible en ligne gratuitement sur le portail OpenEdition, à l’adresse suivante :


Bonne lecture, et bonne fin de semestre.

Bien cordialement


Lexis published its 16th issue, devoted to “Diachronic Lexical Semantics”, in December 2020.

  • Chris A. Smith

Introduction [Full text]

·         Papers


    • Hélène Margerie

Am I Way Wrong on this One? On the Multiple Semantic Sources and Paths of Development of the Amplifier Way in American English [Full text]

    • Quentin Feltgen

Diachronic Emergence of Zipf-like Patterns in Construction-Specific Frequency Distributions: A Quantitative Study of the Way Too Construction [Full text]

    • Aurélie Héois

When Proper Names Become Verbs: A Semantic Perspective [Full text]

    • Chris A. Smith

A Case Study of –some and –able Derivatives in the OED3: Examining the Diachronic Output and Productivity of Two Competing Adjectival Suffixes [Full text]

    • Louise Sylvester, Megan Tiddeman and Richard Ingham

An Analysis of French Borrowings at the Hypernymic and Hyponymic Levels of Middle English [Full text]

    • Seth W. Mehl

Appropriation, Gentrification, Colonisation: Newly Synonymous? [Full text]

    • Adeline Terry

Metaphtonymies We Die by: the Influence of the Interactions between Metaphor and Metonymy on Semantic Change in X‑phemistic Conceptualisations of Death [Full text]

    • Hanna Mahler

Lexical Emergence on Reddit: An Analysis of Lexical Change on the “Front Page of the Internet” [Full text]

    • Chris A. Smith

List of References [Full text]





Professeur des Universités en Linguistique anglaise / Professor of English Linguistics (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, FRANCE)

Professeur Associé de Linguistique française / Affiliate Professor of French Linguistics (University of Arizona, USA)