Date: 19-Mar-2019 – 19-Mar-2019
Location: Venice, Italy
Contact Person: Giuliana Giusti
Web Site:
Call Deadline: 31-Jan-2019
Meeting Description:
Pseudo-Coordination is one type of the many different Multiple Agreement Constructions, such as serial verb constructions in African languages or the subjunctive for infinitive in Balkan languages. It consists of two inflected verbs that combine to refer to a single complex event. The phenomenon is well-descripted in traditional as well as theoretical literature and has gained a renewed interest in the last few years, as witnessed by the large participation to the First PseCoMAC meeting held at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice on May 2-3, 2017.
In Italo-Romance, Pseudo-Coordination is largely limited to the spoken register and tends to be used more in particular pragmatic functions. For example, if a language has Mood and Person restrictions, the less marked combination is the Imperative 2nd Person Singular (Di Caro 2019).
The aim of PseCoMAC 2 is to bring linguists of different theoretical persuasion and specialization to reflect on the pragmatic-communicative potentials of Pseudo-Coordination and the possible grammaticalization paths for the V1 as the functional part of the verbal periphrasis. A non-exhaustive list of research questions is the following:
– Are there privileged registers / discourse / pragmatic functions for Pseudo-Coordination?
– How does Pseudo-Coordination compete with other Multiple Agreement Constructions, Infinitival Constructions, or Verbal Periphrases present in the language?
– Can the micro-variation found across cognate languages (e.g. among Sicilian or Scandinavian dialects) be captured by a unitary parameter?
– How does such a variation react to language contact and change?
Important dates:
deadline of the call for papers: January 31, 2019
notification of acceptance February 28, 2019
conference date: March 19, 2019
Call for Papers:
We invite submissions of max 2-page anonymous abstracts, in pdf-format, for 30+10 min presentations or for the poster session to, by January 31, 2019.
In the object of the mail, specify »Abstract / Poster Submission ». In the body of the mail, specify Title of the contribution, Name and Affiliation of the author(s). Accepted papers will be notified by February 17, 2019.