Appel: Romanian and the Romance languages. The 18th international conference of the Department of Linguistics

Appel: Romanian and the Romance languages. The 18th international conference of the Department of Linguistics

Date: 23-Nov-2018 – 24-Nov-2018
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Contact Person: Alexandru Nicolae

Call Deadline: 30-Sep-2018

Meeting Description:

As in previous years, we intend to cover a wide range of topics, encompassing all the domains and directions of research in the study of Romanian and in general linguistics, bringing together a large number of researchers from Romania and abroad.

We encourage a wide range of different types of abstracts, including, but not limited to, the following domains:

– morphology, syntax, phonetics, and phonology,
– pragmatics and stylistics,
– lexicology and lexicography, semantics, and terminology,
– diachronic linguistics, philology, and dialectology,
– teaching Romanian as a mother tongue and as a foreign language.

Keynote speakers:
Corinne Rossari (University of Neuchâtel) and
Michelle Sheehan („Anglia Ruskin” University, Cambridge)

The conference will also be the host of two workshops:  »Syntactic Variation in Romance » and  »Attitude and Stance in Discourse » (to be announced in a separate call for papers)

Conference languages: Romanian, English, French

Call for Papers:

Submitted abstracts should be 1 page in length (references excluded). Please send abstracts no later than September 30, 2018 to:

For further inquiries, please contact Alexandru Nicolae ( or Adina Dragomirescu (
Notification of acceptance: October 8, 2018

Presentations will be scheduled for 30 minute slots (20 minutes followed by 10 minutes for questions).
Registration Fee: € 40 (or RON 180); students: € 20 (RON 90). The registration fee can be paid upon arrival.