Romance Studies in the Age of Multilingualism 2018

Romance Studies in the Age of Multilingualism 2018

Date: 18-Oct-2018 – 20-Oct-2018
Location: Moscow, Russia

voir l’annonce sur linguistlist

Call Deadline: 15-Sep-2018

Meeting Description:

Romance Studies in the age of multilingualism 2018
Moscow, 18 – 20 October 2018

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
« Moscow State Linguistic University» (MSLU)
119034, Moscow, Ostozhenka, 38 ;

Moscow state linguistic University is pleased to invite you to take part in the international scientific and practical conference ”Romance Studies in the age of multilingualism 2018” which is to take place in Moscow, Russian Federation from 18 to 20 October 2018, at the address: Moscow, Ostozhenka street, 38. The conference is aimed at promoting research and scientific communication in the field of French and romance linguistics, strengthening professional partnership among Russian and foreign linguists, as well as young researchers and Phd students.

The following topics (sections) of romance studies are suggested as general guidelines:

1. Study of structural levels of romance languages in synchrony and diachrony: phonetics, morphology, syntax, word formation, vocabulary, phraseology
2. Prospects for cognitive-discursive studies in the romance languages
3. Modern methods of teaching romance languages in multilinguistic context
4. Current approaches to interpretation and translation in romance languages
5. Language and culture studies in romance languages

All questions related to the conference can be sent to the email address of the organizing Committee:
Contact person: Anastassia Smirnova.
Phone number: +7 (499) 766-92-36

Call for Papers:

Languages of the conference: Russian, French and English.

Keynote presentations (plenary session): 20-25 minutes
Section presentations:10 to 15 minutes.

Participation: full-time, part-time.

Registration fee: 2500 rubles per participant (appr. 35 euros per participant, to be paid in rubles upon arrival).

After the conference, preselected articles will be recommended for publication. The organizing committee of the conference plans to publish the materials of the conference in one of MSLU journals included in the RSCI database and in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications of the VAK (Russian Higher Attestation Commission).

It is also planned to issue certificates of professional development (36 hours) to all full-time participants of the conference. It is possible to participate in the conference and discussions full-time without contributing a presentation.

If necessary, personal invitations for a single-entry visa from the University will be sent to the participants of the conference.

All expenses are to be covered by the participant.

Key dates:

Deadline for keynote session and section applications submission (abstracts): accepted until 15 September 2018

Deadline for keynote session and section full-text articles submission: accepted until 30 September 2018.

Submission guidelines: title, keywords (5-6), abstract (120-150 words), linguistic topic/section number, and contact information including full name of the applicant, academic degree and academic title, county/city, affiliation and job title, telephone and e-mail are to be included in the registration form.

Registration forms with abstracts and contact information are to be sent in Word format to the conference e-mail address:

A double copy is to be submitted via electronic registration form: